
This annotation is used to make a field lazy. The value of the field will only be computed when it is referenced, and not before.


The annotated field must be of Object type (non-primitive) and must have an initial value specified.


Integer i = computeI()

fun int computeI() {
  return 1

How it is transformed

This meta-annotation will transform the code to make the annotated field lazy.

Using the above example, the code would be transformed as such

private Integer _i = null

fun getI() {
  if (_i == null) {
    _i = computeI()
  return _i

fun int computeI() {
  return 1

As Marcel allows to access getters as properties, you can access this variable using the a syntax (or this.a), as if you were referencing the original field. You'll notice that in the above script, the value of i will never be computed, as the variable i wasn't referenced anywhere outside.

Now let's take a look at a full example.

Integer i = computeI()

for (int _ in 1..3) println(i)

fun int computeI() {
  return 1

The output of the above script would be


As the variable is lazy, the value of i will be computed at the first call of println(i), and the other calls will just use the already computed value.