Indexed Access Operator (expr[index])

This operator is usually (or at least in Java) reserved for arrays, but in Marcel you can also use it to access lists. You can get/set items of your list using the same syntax as for an array

List<int> list = [1, 2, 3]


list[1] = 4

You can also define your own accesses for custom types

Safe indexed access (getAtSafe)

Similarly to safe navigation, you can access elements of list/arrays

println(list?[5]) // will print null

This operator checks that the index provided is within the list/array's bounds (0 <= index < length)

You can also set elements safely with the putAtSafe operator

List<int> = [1, 2, 3]

list?[1] = 5 // will actually set the value
list?[10] = 4 // will not set the value as the index is not within bounds