Regular Expressions (Pattern Matching)

Marcel's Pattern strings allows you to create pattern in a simple manner. When you add that with the find operator, matching with regular expression has never been this easy.

Pattern pattern = r/Hello (\w+)/; // semi-colon required because of pattern flags
Matcher matcher = "Hello you" =~ pattern

The above code tests is the String Hello you matches the pattern Hello (\w+).

Extract groups from a pattern

With Marcel's multiple variable declaration, you can extract matched groups in the following way

def (String wholeMatch, String groupMatch) = ("Hello you" =~ r/Hello (\w+)/).groups() // method from the Marcel Development Kit

In some case, you might not care about the whole match (you just want the groups you declared in your regex). If that's so you can ignore it like this

def (_, String groupMatch) = ("Hello you" =~ r/Hello (\w+)/).groups()

Wait for it, there's an even better way to do that

def (String groupMatch) = ("Hello you" =~ r/Hello (\w+)/).definedGroups()

The defined groups only return the groups you defined in the regex, and therefore skip the group corresponding to the whole match.

Truthy pattern declaration

Pattern pattern = r/Hello (\w+)/;

if ("yellow me" =~ pattern) {
  println("It matched????")

if (Matcher m = "Hello me" =~ pattern) {
  println("It matched" +