Extension classes

Extension classes allows you to add methods to an existing class.

How to declare

An extension class is declared like a regular class, but with the keyword extension. You'll also need to specify which class your are extending.

extension class MyExtension for Integer {

Define instance methods

Define methods as you would if you were in the class you are extending (not talking about inheritance).

extension class MyExtension for Integer {
  fun int next() {
    return this + 1

  fun float foo() {
    return floatValue() + 2f * next()


As you can see in the above example, you can also call methods of the extended class, and other extensions methods you defined.

Define static methods

This works the same as instance methods. Define your static method as if you were in the extended class.

extension class MyExtension for Integer {
  static fun int zoo() {
    return 1


How to use

Import your extension class with the extension keyword.

// another file
import extension MyExtension

Integer a = 1

Note that you can also use an extension in the same file it was declared in. In such case, you don't need to specify the import

extension class MyExtension for Integer {
   fun int next() {
      return this + 1

    fun float foo() {
      return floatValue() + 2f * next()

   static fun int zoo() {
      return 1

Integer a = 1