Write Scripts

Scripts don't need a main() function. You can just start writing statements of your script directly, without wrapping them in a method. Script can be executed easily with MarCL.

You can also define functions in your scripts.



fun int fibonacci(int n) -> switch (n) {
  0, 1 -> n
  else -> fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

Local Variables

To declare a local variable in a script, simply declare it as you would in a function's body.

int a = 2
int b


To declare a class field for your script, you must explicitly provide its visibility, otherwise it will be considered as a local variable.


internal int myField1 = 2
protected myfield2

Global variables

Global variables are similar to fields. They were created especially for Marshell, in which you can't declare fields.


You can also define classes in a script, but note that such classes will not be an inner class of your script. They will be top-level classes.