
Marcel supports the following Java primitives

  • void
  • boolean (bool)
  • byte
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • char
  • byte

Literal Numbers

Marcel supports almost all Java primitives. The number primitive literals are the same as in Java

// primitive types
byte  b = 1
short s = 2
int   i = 3
long  l = 4l
float f = 5f
double d = 6d

Binary representation

You can also create numbers using their binary representation with the 0b prefix

int i = 0b10
long l = 0b11l

Hexadecimal representation

You can also create numbers using their hexadecimal representation with the 0x prefix

int i = 0x5
long l = 0x5l


You can create booleans using the true or false keyword.

bool b = true


Use the backtick (`) to create primitive characters. Only one character must be specified between the two backticks

char c = `A`

Escaped characters

Use backslash to escape 'special' characters within strings/characters. Here is the list of escaped characters

escaped characterrepresented value
\rcarriage return
\'single quotes (useful in simple strings)
\"double quotes (useful in interpolated strings)
\`backtick (useful in character strings)