
You can define classes using the class keyword

class Foo {


Extending/Implementing classes/interfaces

The syntax is like Java's

class Foo extends Object implements List<Integer> {


Class visibility

You can specify your class's visibility before the class keyword

public class Foo {


Class functions

See the functions section to see how to define functions

Class fields

You can define class fields like you would in Java

class Foo {
  private int a;
  double b = 3
  Object c;


You can use the keyword constructor to define constructors. The definition is similar to a function

class Foo {
  int bar
  String zoo
  constructor(int bar, String zoo) { = bar
    this.zoo = zoo

Constructors where you just want to assign values to your fields are common use-cases. Marcel has a syntax allowing you to write such constructors with a less verbose code.

class Foo {
  int bar
  String zoo
  constructor(, this.zoo)

We didn't even specify a function block, but you can specify one if you want. The first statements of your class will be the field assignments (after the super() call of course).

Calling constructors

You can call specific super and this constructors.

class A {
  int foo

class B extends A {
  int bar
  constructor(int foo, super(foo) {
  constructor( this(0, bar)
