While loops
While loops are also similar as Java's. You can also provide any expression in them as you would in a Marcel if.
If the provided expression is not a boolean, the Marcel truth will decide if your expression is true
or not.
int i = 0
while (i < 10) {
while variable declaration
The marcel truth allows you to declare variable in an while
condition, and execute the code block if the variable is truthy
while (String line = reader.readLine()) println(line)
// outside the loop, this line variable doesn't exist anymore
Do while
You can also perform do-while instructions, which will always execute at least one the do statement and then check the condition. If the condition is true the do statement is executed again.
int i = 15
do {
} while (i < 10)
The above code will only print 15
You can specify a do
instruction without a while instruction at the end. It will just execute the do statement once.
This can be useful to create inner scopes, in which you can create all the local variables you want, as they won't be accessible
outside the do
int result = 5
do {
int variable = 1
int anotherVariable = 2
int anotherOtherVariable = 3
int anotherOne = 5
result = variable + anotherVariable + anotherOtherVariable + anotherOne
// now only result variable exists