
This makes your class implement Comparable interface. The comparison will be made based on your class's field, in the order in which they were defined.

For example take a look at the below class

class Foo {
  int a
  String b
  double c

When comparing 2 Foo instances, we'll start by comparing the fields a. If they are not the same (one is greater/lower than the other), we'll stop the comparison here as we already can determine which Foo instance is greater than the other. If both a fields hold the same value, we'll continue the comparison with b, and so on and so on...

Include getters

The getters are not included in the generated Comparison by default. To change this behaviour, you can use the flag includeGetters=true.

Exclude particular fields/methods

You can use the annotation @comparable.Exclude to exclude a particular field or getter.

class Foo {
 int i = 1

 String b = "srsr"

 fun String getFoo() -> "foo"

 fun String getBar() -> "bar"