
This annotation is similar to Lombok's @Data annotation. It auto-generates the equals(), hashCode() and toString() method for your class, based on your class's members.


You can also make your class implement Comparable by providing the comparable=true flag

class Foo {
  int a = 2
  String b = "b"

Generate an all args constructor

You can generate a constructor for your class using the withConstructor flag.

class Foo {
  int a
  String b
println(new Foo(1, "b"))

This code will generate the constructor constructor(this.a, this.b).

To omit a particular field for the generated constructor, annotate the field with @data.Exclude.

class Foo {
  int a
  String b

println(new Foo(1))

This code will generate the constructor constructor(this.a).

Exclude particular fields/methods

You can use the @data.Exclude, @comparable.Exclude or @stringify.Exclude annotations to exclude properties from the sring representation,

@data.Exclude will exclude the property from both the toString(), and the equals(),hashCode() methods. @comparable.Exclude will only exclude the property for the equals(),hashCode() methods. @stringify.Exclude will only exclude the property for the toString() method.

class Foo {
 int i = 1

 String b = "srsr"

 fun String getFoo() -> "foo"

 fun String getBar() -> "bar"