Android Groovy Shell
Because programming on a smartphone is one of the most badass things to do in your life,
I decided to adapt GroovySh to Android.
This app allows you to write, compile and run Groovy code directly from your smartphone. It also works offline
I strongly recommend using this app with a keyboard adapted for coding such as CodeBoard
- Shell Features
- Libraries
- Changelog
Use cases
This is a quick presentation of the Groovy Shell. If you want more details on a section, click on the corresponding link in the glossary.
You can use this app to…
Write Java/Groovy programs
fibonacci = { Integer n ->
switch (n) {
case 0:
case 1:
return n
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
Import and use your favorite Java libraries
With DexGrape, you can import dependencies from a Maven repository:
import dex
DexGrape.grab('org.apache.commons', 'commons-csv', '1.8')
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat
f = file("biostats.csv")
Reader reader = f.newReader()
def records = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withHeader(["Name", "Gender", "Age", "Height", "Weight"] as String[])
for (record in records) {
String name = record.get("Name")
String age = record.get("Age")
println "$name, $age"
Manage your files
cd "Download"
f = file("text.txt")
temp = file("temp.txt")
touch temp
temp.text = f.text
temp << file("appendText.txt")
This script is absolutely useless, but you get the idea of what you can do with Groovy Shell
Perform network operations
use my http-client library
import hyperpoet // this is an import alias, we'll get on that later
API_URL = ""
client = new HttpPoet(url: API_URL, contentType: ContentType.JSON, acceptContentType: ContentType.JSON)
data = client.get("/posts")
println data.title
or perform some web scrapping with jsoup
doc = Jsoup.connect("").get();
newsHeadlines ="#mp-itn b a");
for (Element headline in newsHeadlines) {
println String.format("%s\n\t%s", headline.attr("title"), headline.absUrl("href"))
Perform modify images directly on your phone
Using Gmage, you can load, modify and display images directly from the shell
import gmage // import alias
gmage = Gmage.from('image.jpg') // actually this method doesn't exists in Gmage library. This method was dynamically added when processing the import alias
gmage.apply { Color color -> color & 0xff00ff0f }
gmage.apply(ColorTransformers.replaceColor(Color.BLUE, Color.CLEAR, 0.25f))
def blurred = gmage.blurred(new BoxBlur(BoxBlur.SHARPENING_KERNEL))
def resized = blurred.scaledBy(0.8f, 0.8f) // display the gmage
GmageEncoder.encode(resized, CompressFormat.PNG, new File("output.jpg"))
Create and display charts
I created a wrapper library of MPAndroidChart that allows you to create and display charts.
import chart // more import aliases
import time
chart = new LineChart()
x = []
for (i in (1..10)) x.add( - i) as Long)
r = new Random()
y = []
for (i in (1..10)) y.add(r.nextInt(100))
Process json/xml data
import json
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
def object = jsonSlurper.parseText('{ "name": "John Doe" }')
def text = '''
def list = new XmlParser().parseText(text)
println == 'Groovy'
Schedule a script to run
I introduced the notion of Shell Works, a script that runs in the background. You can also schedule it to run later, and/or make it periodic. For example, you can write a script to check every day if there are some new articles on your favorite website and notify you about!
You can learn more about it here