
User manual of the Groovy Shell android app

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The library MPAndroidChart was used to display line charts. For that you’ll need to import the alias chart

import chart

There are (for now) two kinds of charts

Each of these chart objects have a method show() allowing to show the chart. By long clicking it, you can save it into a PNG file

The library allows to consider x values as timestamps, so that when you’ll show the charts, it will display the time in the x absyss. You’ll have to specify the time-unit for that


import chart
import time
chart = new LineChart()
x = []
for (i in (1..10)) x.add( - i) as Long)
r = new Random()
y = []
for (i in (1..10)) y.add(r.nextInt(100))
  .setTitle("example chart")


You can consult the javadoc here


Charts screenshot

Charts screenshot

If you long press the chart, you can save it in PNG format.