
User manual of the Groovy Shell android app

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Shell Works (pro feature)

A Shell Work is a script that is executed in the background and can run even while your aren’t on the app, or the app is closed. It uses Android WorkManager to allow running code in background.

With the power of Android Works, a Shell work can be one or many of the following

In a Shell work, you can set a notification that will be displayed when finished. If set, the notification will show even if the work is silent.

Scheduled and periodic works

These works may not run at the exact scheduled time, and may not even run for before a while (this mostly concerns scheduled works) because of your phone’s background process restrictions. You can find ways to prevent your phone from stopping/killing shell works on DontKillMyApp.

Variables and functions

Within a Shell Work Script, you can use several variables/functions

Defining classes in a Shell Works

If you want to define classes you’ll need to use the special prompt comment

Use cases

Here are some examples of uses of Shell Works

the list goes on…