
User manual of the Groovy Shell android app

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Auto Completion (pro feature)

Auto completion (or AC) is a useful tool helping you find fields/functions from objects, or from the shell. It is triggered with a left bottom button. This button will show a dialog with all possible completions. variable types and function signatures will also be displayed

Auto completion will only try to complete the end of your text. Even if your cursor is in the middle, it will try to look for completion only at the end of your prompt text.

Completing shell variables

The AC can propose you shell variables/functions. Actually shell functions are Closures, so they are variables too.



Using AC with this input will propose you the variables HOME_DIRECTORY


Using AC with this input will propose you the functions loadEnvironment and loadScriptFile

Completing fields/functions from objects

The AC helps you find fields/functions from objects.


Using AC with this input will propose you the File.exists() method, and the File.executable Groovy field (coming from the Java function File.isExecutable()).

It will also propose you functions from Groovy extension modules. For example, for Collections it can propose you functions like collect(Closure) or findAll(Closure) and many others.


Using AC with this input will propose you GDK File functions like eachFile(Closure), eachFileRecurse(Closure), eachFileMatch(Object, Closure)

Completing files

AC can help you find files. for example, with the following input

cd "Do"

AC will find all directories starting with Do and then propose them to you in the completions dialog.

You can also be proposed the list of all directories (from the current directory, AKA pwd) with the following input inputs

cd ""



The same goes for the file(Object) function that wil propose files from pwd

The completion works recursively for directories within directories:

cd "Download/"

With this input, AC will propose you all subdirectories of Download directory

Completing environments

It can also help you complete environments when you want to load them.


loadEnvironment "Env"

Applying AC with this input will propose all environments starting with Env

You can also be proposed all environments by applying the same logic as seen above:

loadEnvironment ""



Completing permissions

It can also help you complete permissions when requesting them.


requestPermission "WRITE"

Applying AC with this input will propose the permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

You can also be proposed all permissions by applying the same logic as seen above.

Screenshot example

Auto-completion screenshot

You can see the completion dialog presenting possible completions.

In the bottom left of the screen, there is the AC button