
User manual of the Groovy Shell android app

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Managing Files

You can manipulate files of your smartphone. Before managing them, you’ll need to ask read and write permission.

There is a notion of current directory like in an actual desktop shell. The current directory is stored in the variable pwd, along with its parentFile. You can instantiate files relatively from the current directory with the function file(String) allowing to get a file. relatively from the current directory. Since Groovy is a scripting language, you can omit a parenthesis. By doing so you can write shell-like code as shown in the below example

cd 'Download'
f = file('test.txt')
cp f, 'test2.txt' 
cd '..'

Functions like cd(), ls() cp() take Object(s) in parameter and will do their best to convert the parameter(s) into a File

Shell-like file functions

There are several methods allowing you to manage your files. Each of these functions takes an Object as argument which can be of the following types:


Allows you to Change Directory. It will update pwd and parentFile variables


It will list all file names (directories included) in the current directory pwd


It will list all files (directories included) in the current directory pwd


It will list all the file names (directories included) matching the given glob pattern




It will list all the files (directories included) matching the given glob pattern


Will create a directory if non-existing


Will update the Last Upated time of a given file. If the file doesn’t exists, an empty file will be created


It will display the content of a text file

cp(Object, Object)

It will copy/override the first given file/directory on the second argument (file/directory)

mv(Object, Object)

Used to rename files/directories