The library MPAndroidChart was used to display line charts.
For that you’ll need to import the alias chart
import chart
There are (for now) two kinds of charts
- LineChart: a line chart
- MultiLineChart : a chart allowing to display multiple lines
Each of these chart objects have a method show()
allowing to show the chart.
By long clicking it, you can save it into a PNG file
The library allows to consider x values as timestamps, so that when you’ll show the charts, it will display the time in the x absyss. You’ll have to specify the time-unit for that
import chart
import time
chart = new LineChart()
x = []
for (i in (1..10)) x.add( - i) as Long)
r = new Random()
y = []
for (i in (1..10)) y.add(r.nextInt(100))
.setTitle("example chart")
You can consult the javadoc here
If you long press the chart, you can save it in PNG format.